URICA Scoring


The scoring for the URICA takes into consideration that raw scores will always be skewed because people tend to under-endorse precontemplation questions and over-endorse action and maintenance questions.

Therefore, there are two ways to score and interpret the URICA: Profiles and Readiness Score.  Profiles utilize total scores for the four stages while the Readiness Score utilizes means.

Profile Scoring:

When one creates profiles, based on standardized scores, you see what patterns people fit into.  It is important to remember, however, that this is not an exact science.  The number of different clusters found using profiles has varied by study.  Therefore, if profiles have been created for one study, it does not guarantee that those profiles are appropriate for your study or sample and you may need to perform your own cluster analysis to identify staging profiles in your group.

To learn about the profiles found in one study, click here.

Readiness Score:

Scoring with profiles utilizes score totals for the stages, whereas the other scoring option, the Readiness Score, utilizes means.  Using means is more applicable across populations and samples and may be the best way for you to use the URICA to understand readiness in your study or group.

The Readiness Score was created for Project MATCH because it was not feasible to do clusters (too many groups were needed).  Instead, a second order factor analysis was done using means.

The range of possible readiness scores is -2 to +14.  In project MATCH, the mean was +9 and +9.7 in the aftercare arm of the study.

To learn how to score the URICA using the Readiness Score, click here.